Tools Steps-Image

Load Weapons

MISSIONS Steps-Image



Strap in and start your engines! These foundational missions will initiate you into the basics of cybersecurity.

  • Total Tasks : 10


You’ve cleared the tower! Tackle these missions to understand the essentials of digital defense.

  • Total Tasks : 2

3 easy steps Steps-Image

How to Participate


SignUp & Get Verified ✔️

Yo!💫 Kick things off by hitting up that Sign Up form with your deets. Chill for a hot sec for a verification email 📨 from us. We're giving every signup the once-over, so give us up to a day to slide into your inbox.


Squad Up or Lead the Pack 📢

Squad goals, anyone?🤔 Link up with your crew by snagging their team code, or be the boss and start your own squad. Remember, we're all about that teamwork to make the dream work!


Game On 🎯

Time to shine and climb that Spaceboard! Smash those missions with your squad to score a spot at the top. The elite teams get the golden ticket to compete in our prize-loaded contests. Let's get it! 🚀


Top Teams



Lovely Professional University



Lovely Professional University

Steps-Image QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Steps-Image


What is CTF ?

CTF stands for Capture The Flag, which is a cybersecurity competition where participants solve a variety of challenges to uncover hidden flags (pieces of data) within computer systems or networks. These challenges typically test skills in areas such as cryptography, reverse engineering, web exploitation, and more.

How to complete a mission ?

To complete a mission, you'll need to navigate through several tasks, each containing hidden flags. Your task is to uncover these flags using your skills and expertise. Once you've found a flag, submit it in the specified manner as instructed. Continue this process until you've successfully completed all the listed tasks. Upon completion, your mission will be accomplished, unlocking new opportunities for further exploration and challenge.

How are users ranked upon completion of missions?

The CTF missions are made accessible at different ranking levels. When a participant completes all missions of a rank, he/she is promoted. Currently, the participant joins at Cadet rank and get promotion to Lieutenant, Major, Colonel ranks.

Is it necessary to join a team to participate?

No. You can either join a team or create your own. We allow teams of size 1 to 4.

How much time I have to solve a mission?

General missions are available on the portal all the time. They are to be used to get promoted and attain high positions on the Spaceboard. High rankers and top teams on Spaceboard will be invited to invite-only events with cash prizes. The duration of those invite-only events will range from a few hours to a few days.