
You've intercepted a transmission vital to navigating through the Cyber Nebula. The message is locked in a high-security encrypted PDF file, and the encryption key is a combination of personal identifiers lost in the space-time continuum.

Another transmission intercepted by your team member has revealed the following information:

  • Password is a blend of two elements: the first four letters of a user's name (lowercase) fused with their date of birth in the DDMMYYYY format. For example, for user John born on 15th August 1947, the password will be john15081947
  • User name list for all suspected users:GitHub User List
  • User's snap clicked sometime in 2023

Remember, your skills in decryption and deduction are crucial for the survival of your mission in the vast, uncharted territories of cyberspace.

Objective: Decrypt the message to continue your journey through the cosmos of code!


  • Retrieve the flag from within the decrypted PDF document.


Retrieve the flag from within the decrypted PDF document.


Real-World Relevance

Confidential documents such as Tax returns, Insurance policies, PAN Card, Salary slips are often encrypted with this type of passwords. This task prepares you to decrypt such document wherever needed.

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